Helen Slowey

South Africa - Account Manager

Hi there Helen, what do you do at Voys?
My goal is to make people happy through advising them on the best phone system solutions to make their business more professional and give their clients the best "1st Impression".

Allright, and why do you like working here?
I work at Voys as it allows me the freedom to manage my clients and time, and contribute to the company in my other roles, using my experience and knowledge on processes and Customer experience flows. I like helping and supporting my clients and colleagues, in finding the best solutions for their challenges: my happy space.

How do you spend your free time?
I am a creative so I like painting (acrylics) and creating mosaics. And I like pushing the boundaries and trying new things and love up-cycling items into something usable.

Last question: for what can we wake you up in the middle of the night?
Wine tasting and going to the beach (love the ocean - in it or on it).
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