Voys Telecommunications colleagues lauging
Voys Telecommunications sunglasses

Voys for modern business

Experience a game-changing ride with Voys VoIP! Embrace seamless scalability with a mind-blowing 99% uptime and up to 60% savings compared to outdated methods.

Voys is your ultimate tech companion, revolutionising business communications. Unlike traditional systems, Voys VoIP utilises the internet for enhanced flexibility and cost-effectiveness.

Gain access to a cutting-edge phone system designed for the digital age. Enjoy seamless communication, free national calls, and unmatched call quality. Discover the future of business communications with Voys VoIP, where innovation meets reliability.

  • Circle check filled Free national calls __
  • Circle check filled Any time, anywhere, any device
  • Circle check filled Set up your VoIP within 15 minutes
  • Circle check filled Cancel any time
The hybrid workforce

For remote teams

Experience seamless connectivity with Voys VoIP, designed to keep you effortlessly connected from anywhere. Use the Voys App or Voys Webphone for calls, manage your presence status with a toggle, and check colleagues’ availability in real-time. Whether working remotely, travelling, or in-office, Voys ensures reliable communication.

Integrate your desk or cordless VoIP phone with broadband for flexibility. Voys VoIP offers free national calls, superior quality, and robust features for productivity.

Discover how Voys VoIP transforms business communications, enhancing operations and customer interactions.

Stay connected effortlessly with Voys VoIP! Intensely Dutch, designed for everywhere.

Voys App and Webphone
Unrivalled service

Quality & support

Unmatched call quality

Make crystal clear calls. Voys supports the industry-leading OPUS audio codec.

99.9% service uptime

Our consistent track record. And when we do encounter an issue, we share it. Big and small.

Best-in-class support

Knowledgeable Cape Town-based team supporting South African businesses nationwide. No call centres.


Don’t feel like talking to anyone?

Freedom web portal

Our beautifully simple self-service clientzone. Add, configure & remove users, numbers and features yourself. 24/7 – 365.

Knowledge base

Our knowledge base is publicly available and updated daily.

Power to the people

Colleagues can set their presence and direct inbound calls to their preferred device.

The best technology + excellent service = happy customers

  • Great service

    The secret to our success is our people. Setting a new standard of excellence in customer service is what gets our team out of bed every morning.


  • Awards

    Voys has won many awards, including the Deloitte Fast50 Company for 4 years in a row. We were also nominated for the Shell LiveWire Awards and many more. View all our awards and nominations here.

  • Trusted by

The service provider that sets you free

Voys Freedom means maximum flexibility and optimal availability for your business. With Voys, you’re in good company.

Take the tour!

Voys Telecommunications colleagues smiling

Frequently asked questions