Ronald Dijkstra

Web Developer

Hi there, what do you do at Voys?
I work in the website circle, to make our websites 1% better every day.

Allright, and why do you like working here?
I work at Voys because I love and need ownership of my own work. I like the general atmosphere at the company. Key proposition values really get lived here: help eachother, be honest etc.

How do you spend your free time?
Programming… haha. But besides the occasional side project, I like to design stuff, read good reads, drink a few crafty beers, go to the game, have a good time with my wife and daughter etc. And I spend a lot of time on the hobby project Folkingebrew, that got out of hand like mad

Last question: for what can we wake you up in the middle of the night?
None. But if you insist, try it with a great hazy double ipa… maybe one of our own!