Gerben Jan Visser

Frontend Developer

Hi there Gerben-Jan, what do you do at Voys?
Developing new user-facing features, determining the structure and design of web pages, optimizing web pages and building reusable codes so our code base stays up-to-date and maintainable.

Allright, and why do you like working here?
I think it's great that there is a lot of freedom and responsibility. I have a lot of say in what I will work on as long as it improves part of the company. It is also very motivating to see the fruits of that labor.

How do you spend your free time?
I've been playing korfbal for over 25 years and I still spend most of my spare time either playing it myself or training pupils. I like to have a drink or two with friends every once in a while and on a lazy day I like to play some video games or watch a movie/series.

Last question: for what can we wake you up in the middle of the night?
If you have a spare ticket for me to go to a Gorillaz concert I'd happily wake up in the middle of the night!
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