Dick Wierenga

Hiring coordinator

Hi there Dick, what do you do at Voys?
In my role I am responsible for all contact with externals in the field of hiring. I talk to candidates and parters and I hold job interviews for vacancies and (graduate) internships. Usually with a focus on IT-related profiles.

Alright, and why do you like working here?
You get a lot of freedom and a lot of responsibility here. I have been working at Voys for ten years, the last six of which in the People circle. I can do my work the way I think is right and suits Voys, and I can adjust my working method if time or market demands it. My colleagues trust me.

How do you spend your free time?
I love tinkering with wood, (faulty) electronics, Groningen and its history. And my biggest passion is stained glass.

Last question: for what can we wake you up in the middle of the night?
A smoothie from the Smooth Brothers, preferably the flavor Monk.
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